id: 1390
I was born into a family of engineers. Since childhood, I have been taught to respect and appreciate the family, to give good things to people and help all who need it.
Based on this, I chose the profession of a teacher, since I like to teach people and give them knowledge. By character, I am a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help people, to be close to my family and friends.
I take a great interest in sports for myself, I go to the pool, I go for a long bike ride and go for a walk in the country, in winter snowboarding, walking, visiting all kinds of events (exhibitions, festivals of cinema, food, books, I like to attend concerts of various music, theater, sledging and horses), I like to travel, get acquainted with the culture of other countries, I like to read books at home in the evenings, I knit clothes to my friends and for my relatives.
My main goal in life is self-realization, as a professional in my business, as a good mother and as a good wife.